Beach Weddings in Italy: Find Out Where and How in Le Marche

This infographic was created by and to let you know where you can get married on the beach with a legal ceremony and a symbolic ceremony.

If you are looking for a wedding location in Italy and you want to get married at the beach then you are in the right place !! The Marche Region overlooks  180 km of wonderful sandy, rocky and stony beaches, which alternate between each other, from Gabicce Mare fino to San Benedetto del Tronto, featuring 26 beach resorts, 9 tourist ports and  17 blue flags  that certify the environmental quality of the sea and coastline, and the warm Marche hospitality.


If you want a legally recognized wedding there are a series of pre-established places, some sections of coastline where the various town councils have deliberated that it is possible to celebrate a civil ceremony that is valid to all effect.. Such places, at the moment are only to be found in Gabicce Marce, Fano and Sirolo (with the exception of Senigallia that authorised a civil ceremony legally recognized ceremony in a location called Rotonda a Mare which, however, is not on the beach but above the sea.

In addition there are 3 other municipalities (Pesaro, Grottammare, San Benedetto del Tronto) that give the opportunity to celebrate the symbolic ceremony held directly by a public official.

If all this does not interest you and you want to celebrate a symbolic ceremony not necessarily celebrated by a municipal official, and above all you want to get married on the beach in the same place where you also hold the reception then there are so many places where you can do it because our coast is full of  beach clubs and restaurants where it is possible to organize a wedding function in true marine style, barefoot in the sand, and a menu based exclusively on deliciously fresh Adriatic fish!

Also we have a host of hotels, villas and ancient forts that directly overlook the sea.

You can find the best beach reception venues on this page (in Italian) or on this page (in English) under the heading "Sea and Beach"